Clinical experience is hands-on, real-world experience working in a healthcare setting. This is an essential part of your education as a medical assistant and will give you the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in the classroom and observe medical professionals in action. Clinical experience will also give you a deeper understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities of a medical assistant and the challenges you may face in the field.

There are several ways for medical assistant students to gain clinical experience, including internships, externships, and clinical rotations.

Internships are typically unpaid positions that allow students to work in a healthcare setting for a certain number of hours over a set period of time. These experiences may be offered through your school or through a hospital or medical office. Internships can be an excellent way to gain exposure to a variety of medical specialties and settings and can provide valuable experience working with patients.

Externships, also known as clinical externships or shadowing, allow students to observe medical professionals in a healthcare setting without actively participating in patient care. These experiences can be a good way to get a feel for the work environment and gain insight into the daily tasks and responsibilities of a medical assistant.

Clinical rotations, also called clinical clerkships, are required for most medical assistant programs and provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a healthcare setting. These rotations typically take place in a hospital or medical office and may focus on a specific medical specialty, such as pediatrics or surgery.

In addition to internships, externships, and clinical rotations, there are several other ways medical assistant students can gain clinical experience. These may include volunteering at a healthcare facility, participating in a medical mission trip, or completing a part-time job in a healthcare setting.

No matter which route you choose to gain clinical experience as a medical assistant student, it is important to make the most of your time and take advantage of every learning opportunity. Here are some tips for making the most of your clinical experience:

  1. Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification on anything you don’t understand. This is a great way to learn and show your enthusiasm for the field.
  2. Take notes: Keep a journal or notebook to record your observations and any important information you learn. This can be a helpful reference later on and will help you retain the information you learned.
  3. Observe and participate: Pay attention to the tasks and responsibilities of the medical assistant and try to get involved as much as possible. This will give you a better understanding of what it takes to be successful in this role.
  4. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from your supervisor or mentor and take their suggestions for improvement to heart. This will help you grow and develop as a medical assistant.
  5. Network: Take advantage of the opportunity to meet and work with other healthcare professionals. This can help you build connections and may lead to future job opportunities.

Gaining clinical experience as a medical assistant student is an invaluable part of your education and will help you succeed in your future career. At DSDT, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible clinical experiences to help them succeed. By making the most of every learning opportunity and seeking out diverse experiences, you can set yourself up for success in the medical field. We are excited to see what the future holds for you and your career as a medical assistant!